Over the years we have been working with a variety of schools from various parts of the world. The one question that all of our clients had before they signed up for Edusparrow was, "Is it customizable?". The answer to this is "yes" and it has been since our launch. Customization of modules takes time & effort, from both the school and us, so we have made Edusparrow adaptive to improve the overall performance and usability of the application .
What does adaptive mean?
Simple screens will guide you through the process flow and allow you to design and adjust it according to your personal way of working. Edusparrow is responsive and will align itself to any change in process at any point in the year. Wait, we are not done yet. It shouldn't be a chore for the management to monitor the users to check if they complete their tasks properly. The application does that for you. It avoids any possible bottleneck by guiding users to complete their tasks in order to keep the process flow uninterrupted. We designed the application to be intelligent !
Simplicity and efficiency; we built Edusparrow to make optimal usage of available resources and constantly improve it with the help of schools themselves. If you can find a more efficient way of completing a process or displaying a screen or module, let us know through the blog and our team will get in touch with you to discuss the feasibility of implementing your suggestion.